Goodbye Sheldon RIP XXX (May 2011 - 16/12/2015)
On Wednesday night we let Sheldon ,our beautiful cat out to do his business , my sister and l were having a few drinks and my husband was checking to see lf he had come in yet. Sometimes he would stay out for hours .When my sister had left at 2 am we checked again and he wasn't in yet so we stayed up all night and there was no sign . Really worried we thought that one of the neighbours might have taken him because he was so friendly he would come up to anyone .
At about 12 the next day my sister called me to tell me that her other half harry had seen a black cat out on the road that had been run over....... Stephen went out with the car and a towel to bring him home , l knew as soon as he came back with the car it was him. My poor husband had to pick him up and bury him. I wish l didn't see his face , it didn't look like Sheldon , his face was really damaged :( We took him out the back of our house and had a little funeral and said our goodbyes.
I can't believe hes gone , l can't stop crying and feel so heartbroken :(
My poor little Angel.
Sheldon opening the door
Sheldon with Amy when they were kittens
I still wait for you Sheldon to come back even though l know you're gone, l will love you forever and miss you dearly. I can't believe you're actually gone my little baby.
Goodbye Sheldon , my beautiful boy l hope to see you one day and show you how much l care about you and love you .
RIP 17/12/2015 :(
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